Maluku Island

Maluku Island is one of Indonesia’s provinces. And amongst other provinces, Maluku has more water than land. Find out more information here.

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Maluku Ambon Island and Related Information

Maluku Island with the capital is Ambon. It is one of the provinces with more water than land.

Maluku Ambon Information

Maluku Island is one of Indonesia’s provinces. And amongst other provinces, Maluku has more water than land. This is why if you travel to Ambon Island, you need clear information about the transportation.

Time of Travel in Maluku

Also, your time of travel must be flexible. Because the isle splits this island. For example, if you would go to Banda Neira from Ambon. By the way, Ambon is the capital city of Maluku. There is a flight but it is small aircraft. It just loads 12 passengers and is not operated every day. Hence, the other option is by sea transport. It also depends on the weather forecast.

Transportation in Maluku Ambon

Thus, precise information regarding transportation is a must. In addition, there is a big ship, called Kapal Pelni. You may check Pelni Ship’s official website for the schedules.

Flight into Maluku Island

Furthermore, the flight into Ambon from the major big city in Indonesia is easy to access. Also, it is posssible to fly to the neighborhood island, Jayapura. You can explore more about Indonesia

maluku kei island

Discover Unlimited Beauty of Ambon Maluku Indonesia

maluku banda naira

Maluku Island Attractions

Maluku Ambon attractions are almost untouched and remote places. It is why the perfect place to hide away and explore. Others, Ambon is known as a historical place for Indonesian when colonialized years ago.

Maluku Island Inheritances

And you may see the inheritances like old buildings, walls, and churches. Besides that history, Maluku island is where the hidden paradise you are looking for. Let’s say, Banda Naira island. This isle is amazing with many stories. Also, it is famous for its spice such as Nutmeg. Besides the Banda sea is one of the best for diving too.

Maluku Island Destinations

Exploring Ambon is a must-have flexible time. It is a distance which uses more sea transport and airplane. Ambon is an archipelago city in Indonesia.


Visit Ambon Island

So, Ambon island should be one of your next adventure trips. Because there are several places where you can do many activities. You may visit Seram island, Natsefa, Ora beach, and also other isles in Maluku. All these exceptional are yours. You deserve to enjoy the beautiful universe, especially in Ambon city and the Maluku archipelago.

banda naira snorkeling
banda naira traditional canoe
ambon city
maluku banda naira view from airplane

Maluku is known as Spice Island

There are many activities that you can do while in Ambon. You can explore Christina Tiahahu Statue, The World Peace Gong, Liang Beach, the Traditional market, and Natsepa Beach.